Tuesday, October 12, 2010

09-06-08: i'm tired.

“relationship” exists?

i’m not so sure anymore.

people always go.. seldom come back.

at first, they will touch your heart.. will hold it.. tighter.. and tighter.. as if they will never let it go. but no.. they’d just drop it! drop it really hard.

meaningless. it’s so easy for most people to throw away everything. waste of time. waste!

promises. ridiculous! hahahaha. haha. we really shouldn’t believe too much. shouldn’t expect anything from anybody. hurtful.

one has the other. they’re happy. okay. time passes.. time.. time. now, they are not fine., they’re not that happy anymore. the other finds another one. then what?!

can’t teach the heart, right? .. can one really love two persons at a time? .. i think not. if yes, .. well it’s still wrong. choose.

how come it takes too long for someone to get into your heart but leaves so quickly.. just like that. no explanation. just did. can’t do anything about it.

true. “strangers become friends.. friends into lovers.. then back to being strangers” hahaha so soo true! :( sad but it’s reality. “it takes two to tango” .. what can i do if the other person wants me out of his life? nothing. i can’t dance tango alone. i’ll look really stupid/absurd/foolish.. name it! shouldn’t hold on if the other person is doing his best with all his might to get rid of my hands reaching out to his. useless.

love lasts? .. tell me. why do we need to prove anything? .. why most of the time we are being told to change? .. can’t we be accepted? … i really wish for that someone, someone who will see me.. who will see me as best. dream. illusion. won’t happen. wouldn’t come.

i want to be happy. yes, i am happy. but…

i don’t know. pessimistic.

see my worth. thank you.

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